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“I want something simple.” For who?

“Keep it simple.” “Live life with less.” Minimalism. We all seem to want a simpler life. Even our wiser generation says, “Things aren’t what they used to be, it was simpler in the old days.” But what do we actually mean?When we can click 1 button on a website and the...

The Other Way to Get Busy

Practical ways to increase business sales. There’s actually a purposeful pun there in that title and we’ll get to that but – How does your business increase sales? Or more importantly how do people find out about your products? Did they stumble upon your ad while...

Inconsistency Can Cost You Clients

One of the most common visual mistakes a business makes is inconsistency. This means, the brand, or graphic elements used to represent the business are different every time they are used. What if a potential client can never seem to remember you?The good news is it’s...